Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What would you do if your best friend flirted with all he guys you like then acted like it was no big deal?

I mean my best friend is a HUGE flirt and does it with everyone. I'm a very shy and reserved person. When it comes to guys I like, she always flirts with them knowing full well that I like them. I do bring it up to her, but she brushes it off like it's nothing or she says sorry and thinks that's it. I don't know what to do. I don't know how to be not shy around them and I don't want to be a ***** to her.What would you do if your best friend flirted with all he guys you like then acted like it was no big deal?
I think maybe you should show her this, maybe the fact that your willing to consult strangers will make her aware of how bad she's hurting your feelings. If you don't want to do that then you need to find some other way to prove to her that this bothers you. If someone apologizes for something and then does it again, it's like they never apologized because obviously those were just words to that person and they didn't really mean it in the first place. I think that if you can't make this person see that what they are doing is really bothering you then maybe they aren't that great of a friend after all.What would you do if your best friend flirted with all he guys you like then acted like it was no big deal?
Yeah, I was there before.I just ditched her and ignored her *** for like 2 or more months, hated on her then got over it and we're cool again...kinda.

some people never change and some water never really passes under the bridge.
i am totally like you..i have a friend that does it to me too.. it sucks..
I'd call her a back stabber and that she is trying to steal my thunder.

I'd tell her that I am just a fragile seed that can not blossom in the shade of overbearing billboard that shouldn't be allowed on the highway because it causes accidents

Every time I was out with her friends and she is being ';all that'; - I would pretend to be the announcer and give play by play account of everything (you can hide behind the persona of the obnoxios announcer)

You are in one of these situations: You put your hand up to your mouth like you are holding a microphone and hosting the Emmys. Look at a ';camera'; and report the news.

This is Anita NuBff (I need a new best friend, get it?)

We are live and reporting that the ongoing conflict at ___(your school name or town) has not been resolved. All attempts of a truce or understanding go unnoticed by the opposing party. An evacuation is recommended at this time.

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